
I was honored today to be have two awards bestowed on my blog by my great friend Endo Journey.  My Endo Diary also awarded me one of the same awards (Liebster).  It is a warm feeling to have such an honor for my simple blog.  I started this blog to help me express my feelings and it is nice to know that there are others out there who understand and can find comfort in my words.  Each of these awards have come with their own set of rules.  It has been a long process and I hate choosing just a small number of blogs to award.  I wish I could give them all an award, if you were not listed, please know that I still love your blogs as well.

The first award I was given was the the Liebster Blog Award.  I'll first give you the rules of this award and know that if I choose you I sincerely am touched by your words and by your openness to share.

Liebster is a German word which means “dearest” or “beloved”.  It is also used to refer to someone’s ”favorite” and the idea of the Liebster Blog Award is to bring attention to blogs with less than 200 followers that deserve more recognition and encouragement.

The rules are fairly simple:

1. Thank the giver of the award and link back to their blog!
2. Choose 5 of your top bloggers (hard to do) and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog!
3. Paste the award on your blog!

Now for my list in no particular order...
1. Thank you for being open and honest about your feelings and your struggles.  I love reading your blog and knowing that I'm not the only one struggling with feelings and questioning.  I love that you have so many other things on your blog as well.  It serves to remind me that infertility and miscarriages are not all that define me, but that there are many other interest in life that I can have.
2. I love what you have to share, and how much I see that you both work together through this journey.  I love reading a males' perspective on the journey of infertility.
3. I love the hope that your blog brings.  When all seemed against your miracle, she fought and proved them all wrong!  That gives me so much hope. Thank you for sharing your story.
4. I love the open and honest post and video blogs you share. I feel like reading your story that I have somebody out there who truly understands what I feel.  It is so nice to know that others understand, even though it pains me to see such good people know the pain of infertility and loss.
5. I love to read what you have to say.  I love your style and humor, not just on your blog, but on your twitter as well.  I love that through the pain there is still laughter.

My next award, Tell Me About Yourself Award, also comes with rules.  This was also so hard to choose.

The rules are simple for this award: Tell seven things about yourself and pass on the award to 15 other great bloggers.
Here goes my 7 things...
1.  I cannot sleep with the closet doors open.
2.  I would rather clean than cook.
3.  I alphabetize all my movies in their categories, chick flicks, series, ect.
4. I am not a normal girl, I love to fix things, I can fix a urinal, or a toilet. I can switch out outlets and switches, and fix extension cords. I can take a vacuum motor apart and fix it too. I love all that mechanical stuff and building things and fixing things with my pink tools.  I don't really care for the color, but I think pink tools is funny!
5.   I never did any drugs, or drinking, or ever had sex before marriage. I know I was weird! :) Most of all I never regret never trying anything.
6.  My mother is my greatest influence and I hope to one day be at least half the mother she was.
7.  I hate sharing my life with people, but not because I want to be secret, but because it makes people think I am better then I am for enduring it all, and I am not that great or strong.

My award goes to...